25 Home Improvement Tips to Increase Property Value
25 Home Improvement Tips to Increase Property Value

increase property value

When you own a home you take on the great responsibility of upkeeping every nut, every bolt, and each nook and cranny. It can be a tough job, but the investment is well worth it. While parts of your home might lose some of their sparkle or charm over time, there are always projects you can tackle that help increase property value. Some of these home improvement tasks are big, others are small, but each results in property value boosts that will make you and your wallet happy. Invest in your nest by trying any of these 25 value-adding projects!

Home Value Updates for Under $1,000 Each
Home Value Updates for Under $1,000 Each

A new bedroom in the attic or completely renovated kitchen can boost your home value by about $50,000. But you don’t have to make a huge investment to update your home with value-boosting projects. Often, small updates can make a big difference in the perceived value of your home. Try out these DIY projects that

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