What is a Home Equity Loan?
What is a Home Equity Loan?

If you own a home, chances are good that you have heard the term “home equity loan” bandied about on occasion. Perhaps you’ve seen it in advertisements, or maybe taking out such a loan has been suggested to you as a means of paying for large expenses, such repairs or renovations to your home or

What Is My Home Worth?
What Is My Home Worth?

Knowing what your home is worth can be important for many reasons. Clearly, if you are planning to put your home on the market or are in the process of buying a new home, knowing its value is essential to either process. You’ll need a clear idea of the value of your home should you

How Do I Know if I Have a Home Warranty?
How Do I Know if I Have a Home Warranty?

The first thing you must understand is that a home warranty is not the same as homeowner’s insurance. The latter being, coverage you must obtain upon purchasing a home to protect against fire, theft, and various other incidents. A home warranty, on the other hand, is a service contract that covers the major appliances and

Is a Home Warranty Worth It?
Is a Home Warranty Worth It?

Here at Choice Home Warranty, we’ve been hearing the question, “Is home warranty worth it?” quite often of late. Perhaps a week doesn’t end without several people inquiring on the same. Factually, this is a very valid question to ask. This is because many homeowners find it difficult to decide if they should pay for

50 Ways to Make Your Home Energy Efficient
50 Ways to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is defined as “one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of our businesses and reduce energy costs for consumers” by the Dept. of Energy. Embracing cost-cutting practices and sustainability measures can greatly decrease your impact on the environment while also

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